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Suncheon, Geumgangsan to become UNESCO biosphere reserve

Writer 관리자 Posted at 2018-08-03
Suncheon City in Jeollanam-do and Geumgangsan Mountain in North Korea were jointly selected as new parts of the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR) on July 25.

The Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Park Service announced that the official designation took place during the 30th session of the Man and the Biosphere Program International Co-ordinating Council (MAB-ICC), which was held in Palembang, Indonesia.

UNESCO investigates areas around the world with excellent ecosystems, and designates them as part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR), in order to provide an arena where communities can actively participate in conserving biodiversity and in pursuing sustainable development.

The entire area of Suncheon City is now part of the biosphere reserve network. The Suncheon Bay area and the Dongcheon River Estuary, both registered as Ramsar sites, and the provincial park at Jogyesan Mountain have all been categorized as “Core Areas.” The surrounding forests, agricultural lands and rivers are “Buffer Zones,” and other agricultural areas and residential areas are official “Cooperative Zones”.

As for Geumgangsan Mountain, its forests, wetland and coasts have all been included in the biosphere reserve.

Through the simultaneous designation in both Koreas, the International Co-ordinating Council said that it hoped to contribute to peace on the Korean Peninsula, and that cooperation between the two Koreas would expand by researching through UNESCO ecological resources in North Korea.

All in total, six areas in Korea have been designated as part of the WNBR. Other than Suncheon City, there are Seoraksan Mountain, Jeju Island, Dadohaesang National Park in Sinan County and the Gwangneung Forest and Gochang. In North Korea, there are five areas: Geumgangsan Mountain, Baekdusan Mountain, Guwolsan Mountain, Myohyangsan Mountain and Chilbosan Mountain.