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Governor Kim Young-rok discusses global partnership with British Ambassador to South Korea Crooks

Writer 관리자 Posted at 2024-05-16

Governor Kim Young-rok discusses global partnership with British Ambassador to South Korea Crooks
- Promises to strengthen cooperation in clean energy and cultural tourism -
【Director of International Cooperation Shin Hyun-gon 286-2410, Head of International Exchange Team Moon Chang-sook 286-2420】

(Three photos of the meeting with British Ambassador to South Korea Colin James Crooks)
Jeollanam-do Province Governor Kim Young-rok met with British Ambassador to South Korea Colin Crooks in the interview room of the provincial government on the 13th to discuss ways to strengthen global partnerships between Jeollanam-do Province and the United Kingdom in areas such as clean energy and cultural tourism.

The meeting was held to strengthen international cooperation to faithfully implement the clean energy partnership signed on the occasion of the president's state visit to the UK in November 2023 and to achieve carbon neutrality goals.

Governor Kim Young-rok emphasized Jeollanam-do's clean energy leadership and said, "We are taking the lead in developing renewable energy complexes for renewable energy 100 (RE100) companies, including the world's largest projects such as Sinan 8.2GW offshore wind farm, and infrastructure for the hydrogen industry, a future clean energy." Following this vision, he said, "We are embodying this vision through a recent large-scale turbine plant investment agreement with Vestas, Denmark, and we hope to develop together as a strategic partner in the global clean energy market in close cooperation with the UK."

It also explained that it plans to promote Jeollanam-do's charm to the world through various programs centered on festivals, Dulle-gil, Namdo-Mishik, Wellness, Jeollanam-do-K-Culture, and Rural and Fishing Villages through the "2024-2026 Jeollanam-do World Tourism and Culture Exhibition." Governor Kim Young-rok expressed, "We expect Jeollanam-do to be an opportunity to establish itself as a global cultural tourism center through exchanges with the United Kingdom, a large cultural tourism country."

Ambassador Crooks expressed great sympathy for Jeollanam-do's global vision and responded, "I hope that the UK and Jeollanam-do will materialize cooperation as global strategic partners in clean energy and cultural tourism."

Ambassador Crooks is considered an expert on the Korean Peninsula, serving as British Ambassador to North Korea before taking office in South Korea.

◇ Photo Description
(Interview with British Ambassador to South Korea, Colin James Crooks)
Jeollanam-do Province Governor Kim Young-rok is taking a commemorative photo with British Ambassador to South Korea Colin James Crooks in the interview room of the provincial government on the morning of the 13th.